Sunday, February 10, 2013

Some writing news

New Moon Feb 10
Hi all,
slowly getting this thing up and running. One important item that I want to share. I have begun writing; I picked up on a previously started novel/novella that I am, at least for now, calling EVIL. Feels good to write again, the excitement that I had all but forgotten these past four years since I laid down the pen. What I have decided is that I need to partition my job and my writing so that I allot time for the latter. That had always been my practice (when I was writing) and my goal. But that eventually fell apart, and languished for these past years. My job is somewhat demanding and I complicated the matter by breaking away from my partner and starting a new company. Wow! I never knew how much work was required to do the business end of a company, not to mention doing all the physics services it handles. Now that I have kick-started the engine, if I can keep it puttering, I have plans to finish EVIL and then revisit three other novels I had started, and dropped, years ago. I'll keep you posted with progress.

Next moon Feb 25 (Full Snow)
For now, adieu.

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