Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Halloween !

Well, it's 2020 so things probably can't get any more weird, right? We have the Black Death (COVID), our cities are on fire, the climate is upside down with hurricanes, wildfires and floods. There's a crazy election pending. Yet we persevere. A testament to human endurance I suppose. 

There's a few neat things to consider, at least right now. October 2020 has two full moons, Harvest Moon on 10/2 and Blue Moon on Halloween night. Wow! And Halloween is on a Saturday, that's cool, even if the kids might not be able do the candy thing because of COVID. 

For horror writers October is primo month and Halloween is our favorite holiday. So I'm happy to say that my second book, "The Long Hour Before Light", got through final proofs and cover art and should be out soon. I hope it's before the 31st.

"The Demon of the Shadows" was released April (paperback) and June (Kindle). I'm not sure how it's doing. Have to wait for the first quarterly report. It got posted on Author's Den so check it out there.

That's all for now. I'll post @ Halloween. My rural community has Trick-or-treat in town so kids don't come to the door on my road out in the country. I typically rent a old horror movie (maybe Warlock this year) and a sixpack of Octoberfest. 

till then!