Friday, February 29, 2008

CONTEST for BECKONED- new clues

The Contest for a free download of “Beckoned” has not been won after a month. I am willing to give the following additional clues. With a little sleuthing, this should now be easy. I think you will find it worth the effort. Beckoned is a horror novel with both a touch of romance and some deep historical elements. I think you will enjoy it.

When you have the answer, please email me at

Question: Where did I get the symbol that appears on the cover of “Beckoned”?


Ron Scala

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Full Snow with extras


February 20: Tonight is Full Snow Moon AND a lunar eclipse. Don’t miss it. Be careful of the werewolves though. I’m OK. Yukon is half wolf so they leave me alone.


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

New theme for MySpace tunes


I’ve changed my tune on MySpace. As before I’m staying with artists that have “crossed over”. I consider it a way to communicate with the other side. Comments welcome.


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Feature Article

I was pleasantly surprised to see an article about Beckoned in our local paper, The Weekly Villager. I was waiting on a take-out pizza and picked up the Villager while it cooked. On the Features Page were three pieces about local authors. Beckoned was one. It included a full color photo of the book cover and a very good article. Its also on-line at (pg 19).

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Some new clues for the contest


I haven’t gotten a real good response from the contest for free download of “Beckoned” so I wanted to give a few more clues. It probably is a little tough without help. Here goes.

Question: Where did I get the symbol that appears on the cover of “Beckoned”?


  • Check below for a better view of both the original image and the book cover
  • Released @September 1970
  • LP album
  • Left hand
Ron Scala

Friday, February 1, 2008

There's good news and bad news.

Good first. I did my first interview with a local paper about Beckoned. It's a small weekly but it was cool talking with a professional writer about being a writer. Hopefully she'll decide to put a piece in the paper about the book. And, I finally got classified as a"published author" by Pennwriters so I can now do what (?)

The bad, well not too bad. The weather is a little intense here in NE Ohio. Snow then an ice storm. Went to pick up my son at the movies and passed a flipped over pick-up and locked the brakes for a cool 80-foot skid.

Waiting for the Ground Hog and praying for clouds