Monday, July 22, 2013

Full Buck Moon July 22

Greetings again. Well, it’s raining AGAIN in NE Ohio after what we all thought was the long awaited commencement of summer. Not to be. After a soggy May and almost three weeks of rain in June, then two weeks of hot weather starting @ July 4, we bottomed out again and its rain, rain, rain. One thing good about rain is I spend more time at the PC and, by default, have been writing a lot more than usual. On vacation in the mountains of PA and MD last week and put a dent in what’s needed to finish my demon novella. Regarding my short story collection, I seem to have fallen off the radar of my publisher and editor. I haven’t been able to get any response for three weeks. Maybe they decided to bag my re-release project. If that’s so I guess I have to seek another pub house, not a prospect I look forward to. I need all the time I have to finish some of the ‘started-but-now-languishing’ tales I have on my “TO-DO” list. 

Better go. 
Enjoy the Full Moon if you are in a land where can see it, not one where the clouds are perpetual, like Ohio.

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