Greetings again. Well, it’s raining AGAIN in NE Ohio after
what we all thought was the long awaited commencement of summer. Not to be.
After a soggy May and almost three weeks of rain in June, then two weeks of hot
weather starting @ July 4, we bottomed out again and its rain, rain, rain. One
thing good about rain is I spend more time at the PC and, by default, have been
writing a lot more than usual. On vacation in the mountains of PA and MD last
week and put a dent in what’s needed to finish my demon novella. Regarding my
short story collection, I seem to have fallen off the radar of my publisher and
editor. I haven’t been able to get any response for three weeks. Maybe they
decided to bag my re-release project. If that’s so I guess I have to seek
another pub house, not a prospect I look forward to. I need all the time I have
to finish some of the ‘started-but-now-languishing’ tales I have on my “TO-DO”
Better go.
Enjoy the Full Moon if you are in a land where can see it, not
one where the clouds are perpetual, like Ohio.