Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Halloween !

Well, it's 2020 so things probably can't get any more weird, right? We have the Black Death (COVID), our cities are on fire, the climate is upside down with hurricanes, wildfires and floods. There's a crazy election pending. Yet we persevere. A testament to human endurance I suppose. 

There's a few neat things to consider, at least right now. October 2020 has two full moons, Harvest Moon on 10/2 and Blue Moon on Halloween night. Wow! And Halloween is on a Saturday, that's cool, even if the kids might not be able do the candy thing because of COVID. 

For horror writers October is primo month and Halloween is our favorite holiday. So I'm happy to say that my second book, "The Long Hour Before Light", got through final proofs and cover art and should be out soon. I hope it's before the 31st.

"The Demon of the Shadows" was released April (paperback) and June (Kindle). I'm not sure how it's doing. Have to wait for the first quarterly report. It got posted on Author's Den so check it out there.

That's all for now. I'll post @ Halloween. My rural community has Trick-or-treat in town so kids don't come to the door on my road out in the country. I typically rent a old horror movie (maybe Warlock this year) and a sixpack of Octoberfest. 

till then!

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Halloween's coming

Hard at work all summer. In July "The Demon of the Shadows" was released. Available at Azure Spider Pub at  https://www.azurespiderpublications.com/our-books/Demon-of-the-Shadows-Paper-p210707963 and on Amazon and for Kindle. New title, publisher and cover art. Check it out.

No rest though because a re-write of "The Long Hour Before Light" occupied all my time during summer's long days. It is pretty much wrapped up and will be released soon. We're hoping to have it out before Halloween to catch the best of the market during horror season. Check out Champagne Book Group (http://champagnebooks.com/store/) for news about it and other good reads.

General news: Yeah! we have a late Harvest Moon and a Blue Moon this year! Add to these facts that the 2020's Blue Moon will be on Halloween Night. It's likely that COVID will prevent most of the Trick-or-Treat activities so most people (kids) will miss out. But we can still enjoy. Hope for a clear night on 10/31 to take it in, even if you can't gather for festivities.

All for now. Take care and Read a Good Book !

Saturday, May 16, 2020

We've experienced some tragic events this past year and COVID-19 only adds to the suffering. But, I'm going to try this again. Try to post regularly. Try to stay inspired.

OK: I'm in the midst of a publication. "THE DEMON OF THE SHADOWS" has been released, available on Amazon in trade paper (I bought one) and will be available on Kindle on June 15. The book will be posted on my publisher's website soon (Azure Spider Publications).

The re-working of "THE LONG HOUR BEFORE LIGHT" is on hiatus as I cannot get in touch with that publisher. I was re-writing some of the stories but lost contact. Will keep everyone posted if that changes.

I'm "networking" with my writer's groups, Pennwriters, Horror Writers Association and Author's Den. Actually, I'm not sure what that means but I'm trying to keep my info on these sites current.

Like everyone, I am just now getting back to work (with restrictions). Much of my calibration service was deferred by the State so I behind on the work but not out of compliance. It will just be a bear to catch up on schedules, especially when my hospitals and centers are booking back-logged patients and are less than happy about giving me the equipment to test.

I'll post again before, or again on June 15 (release date).